Here we are in our cab to the hotel.
This is at Picadilly Circus or Square or whatever...kind of like NYC's Times Square.
This is Buckingham Palace. You can see the silly costumed guards in the background. They do funny stuff like march in place every so often, who knows why?
After Buckingham Palace we got some dinner at this great Italian place and called it a day.
Next morning we hung out in Hyde Park until we were frozen and then met Rob for lunch near his meeting and then went to the Tower of London and the London Bridge.
Here is Rob with Easton in his plastic bubble covering at the Tower. I always thought those things looked so ridiculous but in this part of the world they are a must have! Easton doesn't love it though and tries to claw his way out.
London Bridge
We rode the subway quite a bit. We took Easton to NYC when he was really young and found out how un-child friendly subways are there...same goes for London. I can't complain too much about fast public trasportation though!
We got home from London in time to celebrate Halloween. Easton and I made cupcakes for a little party we were going to...
We decided on a monkey for Easton's he is with some buddies before trick or treating and some in the process. We got candy from about 8 houses in our little neighborhood...Halloween is way less of a deal here than in the states but it was enough to get Easton hooked and excited for next year.
Easton and Wyatt
It's hard work trick-or-treating.
Hope everyone had a happy Haloween!