Since I have a bit more freedom with the car I also decided to join a gym this last week. I had been debating the idea for a while...since it is not the nicest of weather here and I am getting a bit too pregnant to run with Easton in the jogger I decided a gym would be nice. The gym is great and has a daycare for Easton and a kids pool so we plan on using that quite a bit as well. Hopefully we will get our money worth!
I also got called to be a teacher in the Relief Society at church. I am pretty excited about that because I thought I was bound for the Primary again...I love Primary but I am happy to be in RS for a while.
We still have not decided what Easton is going to be for Halloween...any suggestions for an easy to put together costume? Now remember that I am not the master seamstriss, I stress the word EASY!
Here are a few pics just for fun:
Last saturday we were headed to the mall. On the way we got Easton some Gatorade because he was a bit dehydrated. He proceeded to drink almost an entire bottle. We were almost to the mall and he vomited it all up. All over himself, the car, carseat and a bit on me. We decided to continue on to the mall (since he was totally fine). We took him into the mall with no clothes on and bought him some new ones there...can anyone say 'white trash'? Here he is post barf.
Here is a more accuate picture of my pregnant belly...I got several 'you don't look pregnant' comments on one of the other pics I posted. This was a week ago. I went to the doctor this week and all is well...I think I am 27 weeks now!
Here is Easton today right before church. He would not let us take this jacket off of him. The church building was extremely warm but he wore it the whole 3 hours. Crazy kid.
congrats on the driving! Poor all of you getting thrown up on. Good thing you were going somewhere with clothes, instead of a park, or a restaurant or something. You do look pregnant--from the side only--definitely another basketball baby.
Oh yeah, the side view is much definitely look very pregnant in that picture!:)
Do they have an Irish accent GPS lady? Ours has an English accent lady. It's ammusing for the first few mintues and then it gets on our nerves. Way to go on the driving!
Funny...actually our GPS lady has an American accent!
you are looking great! so cute and pregnant :) thanks for the update! We love hearing about what's going on.
You seriously, have such a cute pregnant belly! And I am so proud of you for driving. Melissa was just saying the other day "you guys use to do a lot of things with all of the ladies." WE all confessed that it was because of you. You made us so much more fun.
I LOVE that little man. He is so dang cute. Oh, how I miss him. And you look fab with your cute little belly! I'm having deja-vu of days gone by. You guys look great.
Okay I beleive that you are pregnant now. I was feeling to big because you are farther along than me and looked so small. Hey I just learned last night on the history chanel that Halloween originated in Ireland. I wish I had ideas for you but I to have trouble with the halloween custome idea. good luck.
You look so cute! Thanks for posting the preggers photo. And that last photo of Easton in his church jacket is really darling- the look on his face slays me. That kid is going to be a total heartbreaker, even if he does go to the mall diapermmando ;).
ps. and yes, to add to what Ashley was saying, we TOTALLY miss you
Katie, what's up??? I have been dying to hear and see how Ireland is going. I have literally been lost since not having the internet for the past 5 months. Occassionally we would find it at our apartment on wireless, but that would last until you get kicked off a couple of times and you give up in frustration...ugh! Then we got into our house and our schedule has been get up eat, paint, paint, paint, go to the bathroom and go to bed only to do it again the next day :) We are however down to 3 more rooms to paint and those rooms will just have to wait until we get a minute. Anyways, you look so cute. Sounds like all is well and I love your house! Especially the kitchen (red and white tile - how cute!) Thanks for your new number. I will have to call and chat with you more soon :)Tell the boys hi for us-ValM.
cute pictures, sounds like you guys are having fun! I love the naked car seat picture of Easton...How cute!!! - Brooke
you look so cute with your little prego belly! Congrats on the driving!
i say easton dresses up as a leprechaun!! Ha
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