Monday, October 6, 2008

Aquarium and other random events...

We had been planning on heading to the Dublin Aquarium for a few weeks since Easton has a love of fish...mostly inspired by 'Finding Nemo'. The aquarium was hardly remarkable but it worked for us. We went through the entire thing twice in 30 minutes and by that time Easton was ready to go anyway. We stopped and got some ice cream and our outing was over!

This is right outside the aquarium.

Also, we got our car this week! We went for our first family outing last night to the grocery store. It was pretty exciting. I am still very nervous to drive but I guess I'll just have to get out there and do it.

A few pics of Easton and 'his pumpkins'. He really loves our pumpkin lights and the toy grandma sent him. We bought some real pumpkins last night at the store too and he's pretty excited about that.

Easton licking brownie batter off the spatula. Lately he ALWAYS wants to help me with whatever I am doing in the kitchen. I could be getting a glass of water and soon enough he'll be scooting the chair over saying "Easton help." It's fun...usually!


Our Family said...

Halle likes to help in the kitchen too. Easton looks like such a big boy. I guess I haven't seen him for a while and I still picture him littler.

Nicole Sue Taylor said...

So fun! It's fun that you get to wear fall clothes - I know that I'm in perfect weather california, but I've been soo hot lately, and you don't even look pregnant and josh wants to webcam with easton really bad and the end:)

Amy said...

It looks like you guys are having a great time in Ireland. It's so pretty! I hope we get rich before you move so we can come visit. :) And I love the pics of Easton thankgoodness for pictures so we can watch him grow up...I guess we get to see you for Thanksgiving - right? We hope so!

Lizzy said...
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Lizzy said...

first - can i just say how extra excited to see easton enjoy his 'lucky kid't-shirt. yay!

speaking of being lucky, i am so jealous for all your irish adventures. what fun memories easton will have.

miss you guys. hope we can visit sometime soon as well.

Kari said...

I'm jealous you're living so close to the water again.:) And look at you, what a skinny pregnant lady!

Julie said...

hooray for the car! you'll do great driving, i just know it!

2x2momma said...

Caleb and Julian love helping out in the kitchen! I wish I could capture their enthusiasm and stretch it out to their teen years ;) Easton looks so happy with those Hallowe'en decorations! I bet he's getting excited about the holiday!

SA said...

The pictures are awesome! We can't wait to see you guys! Hope you are feeling well!