Here Easton and I are rolling the ball down the little ramp. About half the time he used the ramp and half the time he wanted to throw it like mommy and daddy.
Here are the present and the future of the bowling world. Ok, maybe that is overstating it some. The best part of the afternoon was the "special" shoes. Easton thought they were so cool and wasn't too excited to take them off.
The Razor Scooter
I just have to say that this picture makes me proud to be a dad. Isn't it just awesome?
Easton is showing off his pads and helmut. He usually doesn't wear them for more than 3 minutes, but we do require that he wear his helmut when he rides his scooter.
This picture for me holds a lot of symbolism. I think it tells a story in itself. Here is our boy, padded up and walking down the long path to find his scooter. Someone should write a poem.
Easton is actually getting pretty good at pushing himself around the house, patio, and the street out front. He is really diligent at looking both ways for cars. Our poor son is going to be so confused when we move back to the States, he is used to looking left, right, left, because the cars drive on the left side here. It will be so tough to look right, left, right. We will just have to cross that street when we come to it...