And of course it can be tough to find joy in Easton taking off his diaper and peeing on the coffee table while I am nursing Owen(oh yes he did) but at the end of the day President Monson is right. Life goes by way too fast not to enjoy (or at least appreciate) every minute.
So that is my find joy in the journey and to really think about how I can find joy in the daily activities that make up my life. Maybe I should start a gratitude journal or something? Wish me luck. Here are some new pictures of the kiddo's for the most part:
Rob and Easton at Johnnie Fox's Pub. It is a classic Irish pub out in the countryside. Pretty cool.
Easton and his buddy Ivy feeding ducks, or better said, themselves M&M's
These are a couple of shots of Easton exercising. We got a few work out DVD's and if Rob and I are doing them Easton MUST do it as well. He gets really into it and tries to do all of the moves and even changes into his exercise shorts and ditches the shirt and NEEDS gum in order to work out to his full potential.
Owen. Easton has started calling him Little Buddy. It's pretty cute. Owen is getting to be more of a baby and less of a newborn.
Notice Rob's sweet mustache. He and the guys at work had a mustache contest...who could grow the best mustache in a month. Unfortunately, Rob's beard was more impressive than his mustache and he lost. I was pretty happy when that month was over and the mustache disappeared.
Katie, I love what you have written about enjoying the jourey. What an AH-HA moment. I have also thought of streching my soul and starting a gratitude journal. I also love that Easton has to take his shirt off to exercise. He would fit in at my house very well. My boys are always taking their clothes off for a number of reasons.
I love the idea of the gratitude journal too. Just last week when I was teaching the young women about being grateful for their divine potential I gave each of them a gratitude journal to start. So...i just want to say I am grateful for you!!! I love all my college roomies, those where some great years! I am so glad we keep in touch. I love the pictures, thanks for the post!!!
This post made me miss you guys so much! Hilarious about Easton peeing on the table (for me, not for you). Owen is getting so big and we're sad we haven't met him yet. Love you guys!
I've been thinking about the same thing a lot. I don't know how to tell you to do it. But it's worked for me to just not worry about getting everything done on my list and playing with my kids and constantly remembering how fast time goes. They are really sooo precious right now. It also helped when Justin didn't come home from work early one day when I needed him, because he didn't realize it was a real emergency since I can be a tad dramatic. I realized I really needed to complain less:)
Ooh, that mustache. I don't know, Rob... kind of scary. So, do you guys ditch your shirts and put gum in your mouth when you work out? Is that why Easton does it? I appreciated what you said about President Monson's talk. I remember wanting to lock our kids in the garage while we were trying to listen to that talk during conference. It is good to remember that we will miss these days when they're gone.
Hi guys. Sounds like life is, well, life. Owen is SOOO cute. I cannot wait to meet him!!! Miss you guys!
Owen is getting so big, I just have to say. Your enjoy the journey comment hit close to home with me. We just moved and I love our new place but the days have been going so slow and I am wishing that the journey would go a little bit faster, Emery would stop throwing tantrums, and Arleigh would stop egging on those tantrums :-)
First off, can I just say I've never really seen you "grouchy"!? You are like the prime example of laid back and you never seem to let stuff get to you. Like even when Easton pee'd, I bet you were like "Ehh, whatever..." I DO wish I could have seen the look on your face though:)
I actually like it when the Doug grows a lil scruff. Nothing above the lip though... the mustaches, I can do without.
Owen is growing so fast. Ic an't wait to hold him!
Gail was over the other day and told me about how her ancestors had 8 kids and lived in a cave for an entire winter when they first got to SLC valley because they didn't got no home. I realized I'd probably been complaining a little too much about our 2 bedroom. While it's getting snug with our 4 kids, it's safe, got a w/d, dishwasher and my fav light fixture. There's always something to complain about, and there's always something to be grateful for. Like at least we're not living in a cave (although we are now looking for a 3 bedroom ;)
So you have a great attitude even with Easton peeing. LOL Time does fly by though and it's crazy the things I can look back on and actually laugh about now. We miss you guys and love seeing pics of little Owen and Easton
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