Pre-parade with buddy Wyatt
Me and the leprechauns.
I like to call this St. Patrick Day pride. Pretty much we celebrated SPD for about a week cause that's how long the tattoo stayed on Easton's cheek.
Crazy hats were most definitely involved.
This hardly does the madness justice but...
Thanks to Lizzy for Easton's SPD attire. So there you have it...I think next year we'll all go and experience the real city parade and festivities.
Oh, and my sister and I have started a little blog dedicated to baking. It is mostly just to share recipes with each other but if you have a hankering for some sugar you can always check it out to see what we're making:
way cute pictures. I am glad you made it out for some of the festivities. I can only imagine how crazy it must have been. Owen looks like he is getting big. I can't wait to see you guys again. Lots of Love from the cold northern utah.
You are in Europe. Isn't public nursing A-okay there? By the way, it looks like the Hollywood public schools are now calling St. Patrick's Day, Potato Day. I'll bet the Irish won't like it.
That looks so fun. I want to go all out for SPD.
What a party! I love Easton's tattoo... so what did you ever do about the crib jumping? We started struggling with the same issue a couple weeks ago!
I'm glad you guys were able to enjoy your first Irish SPD in style!! Easton looks great in the shirt - that worked out well.
Can't wait to see you guys in May!
Looks sooo fun! We went to Disneyland on ST. Patrick's Day and totally didn't even dress in green!
wow, St. Patrick's is awesom there! I wish we were going to be up in Utah over Memorial Day. We would love to see you but Matt's already got some commitments down here. :( Hope you guys have a blast!
We did a little Easter egg hunt on Saturday and we were missing you guys and your giant egg that you brought last year. The grand prize just wasn't the same.
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