Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My Name is Katie and I'm a Chocoholic

So seriously. Of all the things there are to love about Ireland, I might love chocolate spread the most. This blessed concoction is not only an Irish delicacy. Years ago while I was a missionary in Spain I found Nocilla. It is a lot like Nutella but there are no hazelnuts...it is just pure, creamy, chocolate. I bought Nocilla on one of my first preparation days and shockingly enough downed the entire peanut butter sized jar in one day! The madness had to stop. I limited myself to one jar of Nocilla after each 6 months of my mission, which would give me 3 days of pure gluttony. I kept to my guns...mostly because I knew if I didn't I would come home 50 pounds heavier and pre-diabetic. Fast forward 4 years...Rob went out grocery shopping the first night we were here and among his purchases is a jar of familiar looking chocolate spread. In Ireland it is simply called 'chocolate spread' but I knew what this was. So again I finished a whole jar in about 36 hours and told Rob to never let me buy it again. And I haven't. But Rob did go to the store one more time and he brought with him another jar of my nemesis. I finished 3/4 of this jar and then threw it away after making Rob vow to never buy it again. If I come back a big as a house you all will know why.

In other food news...we accidentally bought asian black bean sauce instead of black beans for our chicken enchiladas...those ended up pretty interesting. And after searching for Crisco I finally found it under the name 'baking fat'. I wonder if anyone would buy it in the U.S. if we called it baking fat? Live and Learn.


Sarah said...

It sounds like food is a great adventure! So do you eat this yummy chocolate stuff with anything, or do you prefer it by the spoonful? I hope to get the chance to try it some day.

Nicole Sue Taylor said...

I swear food stories are the best in other countries. Whenever we travel Justin always has to go to a grocery store, so I guarantee when we go visit you Justin will be dying to try some of that chocolate spread.

Our Family said...

Sounds like an adventure. I'm glad america's aren't as blunt with our food labels. I would think twice about buying some fat. I'm glad things are going well.

Brooke said...

I'm glad we don't have that chocolate spread in the U.S. I would have problems with it. Your post makes me feel better, though because I seem to have the same problem when it comes to certain baked goods. Keep the food adventures coming.

SA said...

That is hilarious! We all have our little indulgences from far off places. There was this ice cream in Costa Rica that is most desirable! I had many a taste on the mission. Luckily, we are not moving to Costa Rica! We miss you guys so much!

ashlee said...

I love reading your posts. I feel like you are right here telling me a story. I don't know about that chocolate spread but that cooking fat sounds delicious :-)

Unknown said...

I'm so glad Dave finally gave your family blog. It's great that we can check up on you guys. By the way, congrats on the baby on the way. When are you due? In case Rob didn't tell you, Dave and I are expecting our first January 15th! We're so excited!

Heather said...

I would love to try it! Yummm