A shot of the houses on the beach
I just finished the book I had been reading and am on the market for another. Any suggestions? I am also in the midst of several projects...a quilt for Easton, painting some old picture frames and maybe attempting to make a quiet book for church. As most of you know I am not the craftiest girl but I'm stretching my soul (as Sarah would say) and trying to be more resourceful. any helpful hints on the quiet book would be welcome!
I know I have seen kits for quite books at Deseret book and so forth. Also I have someone make a sort of church quite book for my kids with a bunch of church pictures in it with Jesus and children, the prophets, pictures pertaining to the life of Jesus. I know once the boys are able to read it will be better because it also has a lot of great scriptures. Anyway... Oh for a relif society craft day we also made these I spy bags. They look like a bean bag, but on the back side it is made of fleece and the front is a clear plastic material, so you can see inside the bag. Inside the bag it is filled with white or clear plastic beads and you can put a bunch of little charms in side so your little one has to move the bag around to find the different objects inside. I ofcourse also must say Hooray for steching your soul!
I made some quite books for Jake and Aubrey that I found on this site http://www.mormonchic.com/crafty/filefolders.asp You just print the pages, elaminate, and buy that sticky velcro, put them all in a folder with a ziploc to hold the pieces. I'll send you a link to my project site. Go to the Sunday Label if your interested. They turned out cute and my kids seem to like them.
Ok I can't spell....ignore the "E" on laminate. :)
I have yet to make a quiet book but I did make a fun binder activity thingamagig for Luke a couple of years ago that was pretty easy. If you have your own laminating machine, it's even easier. The print-off's are from mormonchic.com under crafts or something. Anyway, Luke has really like them and although it's not super quiet because there is velcro involved... we went to church in Ireland and I was thinking my kids were pretty well behaved, in comparison to the rest of the congregation, which has never been the case before. That little Waterford Branch has a few loud-talkers. They were also passing out suckers to the kids in the back during Sacrament. Wow! That was a really long comment. Sorry.
Okay, I just realized that the last comment had the same idea as me. I guess I should read comments already made. I actually laminated an envelope to the back on the activity sheet and used a razor blade to slice open the envelope along the edge in order to keep the pieces together. Does that make sense? Okay, I'm done now.
Bobby, the irish bloke. Congrats with the new baby. Hope everything goes well.
I am personally excited about all your craftiness lately. I mean... Katie...painting picture frames and creating a quiet book for church. You are such a super mom. Hooooo-ray for Katie!
Miss you guys, glad to hear you are having such a great time in Dublin.
How are you? I haven't seen you since your days at Dan's. You have a beautiful family! What an amazing experience to live in Ireland!
I have been keeping busy with life. You can check out my blog at http://web.mac.com/karren.2
Anyway, I found your blog on the BHS blog. It's been fun to see what everyone has been up to. I haven't kept in contact with anyone.
Good to see you!
Heather (Baldwin) Karren
I'm not even going to attempt any craft advice but I will say with the books, just go to the young adult section or youth section. They always have good ones without any risky stuff. Lindsay just told me that you still have your Utah number so I will definitely be calling. I'm not an awesome phone talker but I miss you.
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