Monday, July 6, 2009

Back in the Groove...

We have now been back from our U.S. vacation for a few weeks now...sorry it has taken me this long to post. I guess really here are just a few pictures of the rest of our vacation and what we have been up to back in Dublin.
In Colorado I got to meet up with some of my best friends from high was so fun to meet some of their kids and to chat a bit. I didn't feel like I did too much chatting chasing after Easton but it was still a great time. I wished we all lived closer (or at least I did...the rest of them live fairly close to each other) so that we could hang out more often. It made me so happy to see all of them so happy and doing so great. Here we are:

Leah, Me, Cami, Jenny, Carrie (not in the pic but at the BBQ were Jill and Ben)

Easton on the riding lawnmower at Grandpa and Grandma Nancy's...can anyone say child labor?

Easton baking...I feel like I have baked pretty much everyday since we have been back...those posts will show up on the baking blog ASAP. Easton is a good little helper and I thought he was looking pretty cute in those jammies.

We went on a little weekend trip to a golf and spa resort in the Midlands with our friends the Meade's. This is Easton and Wyatt going down the slide. Rob and Robert golfed all day long (seriously) Saturday and we all hung out that night. It was a good time even if our kids got a bit beastly by the end of the day.

A big thanks to my dad for coming with me and the boys on our flight from Denver to Atlanta. The flight from Atlanta to Dublin was actaully alright. It was 8 hours and Owen slept the entire time...what a champ. Easton took a while to settle down but slept too. We were in the very back row of the plane which is nice for the engine noise that tends to keep the kids asleep but bad for the flight attendant noise that tends to wake kids up. I didn't sleep at all because I was so stressed that the chatting and banging of carts were gonna wake up the boys! Here we are:

Think Easton is close enough to his movie? Glasses here we come.

I had to add this pic of Owen (left) and his cousin Andrew. They are only about a week apart in age and got to hang out with each other while we were in SLC. Pretty cute.

Owen is a champ with solid food now and we have tried and failed with Easton at potty training round one. We'll try again in a month I think...any advice is welcome. We are headed to Paris for a long weekend at the beginning of August but other than that will be enjoying the summer has actually been pretty nice!


Amber said...

I've never potty trained (we'll tackle that sometime after this new baby gets here), but my sister who has 4 kids recommends bribery. She has a drink and wet doll and a see through jar filled with treats and she shows her kid how the doll drinks and when the doll goes on the potty, he gets a treat--what fun, don't you want to get treats like that and wear cool big-boy pants?
Uh-oh, this time the doll didn't make it to the potty, so no treat but he can try again all day!
She said you just have to find some sort of motivating treat. For her little boy, it was new trucks. She went and bought a 12 pack at the dollar store and each time he went on the potty he could release a new truck from the jar. Anyway. Good luck with whatever method you use!

Julie said...

so cute! I can't believe how fast he's already growing!

Michelle said...

I wish we could have seen you guys when you were in Utah. Maybe next time. Good luck with the potty training, it is the WORST! The only advice I have is to keep trying and be as consistant as you can. Eventually they DO get it. Good luck!

Lizzy said...

My only experience with the potty training is with the dog... so I'm sure it's a bit different. But I know that that was the worst few weeks ever. Good luck!

That pic of Owen and Andrew is TOO cute. I had been wanting to see them next to each other - they look so much alike.

Can't wait to hear about your trip to PARIS!!!

SA said...

We had fun with you guys! It was good to see ya!

Jason and Becky said...

It took some searching through the Haymonds blogs but I found your blog. It was great to see you guys and I am so glad because I am much better at keeping in touch with blogs. Check out our blog when you get a chance. Take care. Our e-mail address is

2x2momma said...

I love that photo of baby Owen, he is so dang cute!!! I can't believe how big he is. Looks like he's a real smiler too.
I relied heavily on the 'Potty Power' dvd to give me a leg up. They watched it for awhile and then a few weeks later told me they didn't want to wear diapers anymore. That's the short version...

Brooke said...

Your boys are so stinking cute! I know what you mean about noisy flight attendants. I don't know how anyone can sleep on an airplane.