Sunday, July 26, 2009

Our Weekend

We had a weekend of firsts. Easton and Rob's first father-son camp out and Rob and I's first concert together.
Easton and Rob went with our ward up to the Wicklow mountains and camped out Friday night. Easton had some of his buddies there too and was sooo excited. He got to cook- not roast- a hotdog, sleep in a sleeping bag and tent, and use a flashlight which were pretty much the things he was looking forward to the most. Funny that there were no fires allowed in the campsite for fear of wildfire...I mean it rains nearly every 3 hours here!? Better safe than sorry I suppose.

Easton at the campsite.

With his buddies and heros Caleb and Noah...Easton LOVES these kids and follows them like a little puppy...good thing they are such sweet kids.

Rob finally put Easton in bed at he is just before crashing.

Funny that Rob and I have never been to a concert together huh? I guess not for Rob who doesn't love the concert scene but I used to be pretty into live music in my younger days so it was so fun to get to go to U2 here in Dublin. I will admit that niether Rob nor I are huge U2 fans but Rob's work got tickets and I actaully got really stoked. Seeing U2 in Dublin was an extra bonus as they are from was just cool to know that they were just a little band here on this tiny island and that now they are serious rock stars. I mean, like them or not, who doesn't know at least 10 U2 songs? It rocked. So fun. And it ended by 11pm...bonus! Wow...I am getting so old.

Our friends Seth and Charlotte came with us...she is 9 months pregnant and totally rocked out...awesome. We are flashing our V.I.P. passes...that's right.

At the pre-party we came to the realization that me and our friend Aaron pretty much have the same hair style. Verdict is still out as to whether that is worse news for me or for him.

In front of the cool space ship stage. We had good seats. It was a madhouse...80,000 people there!

U2 rock star.

The Edge. Also very rock star-ish.

It was a fun weekend. We ended it with church and hanging out on Sunday. And Easton ended it by perfecting his photography is a self portrait:


The Gillis Family said...

I am totally jealous that you got to go to U2! I think that is awesome. I heard that Easton loved camping (via Dad and Rob). You guys look really happy. We miss and love you! (I think the hair cut thing is worse news for your friend than you, you look way too cute)

ashlee said...

That family picture is so cute. I had to laugh about the hairstyle comment because just lastnight, Michael and I were watching this Brittish movie and the actor had a longer haircut and Michael said it looked like mine. Gotta love it. Your hair looks fabulous by the way. I never realized how thick it is. I'm so jealous.

Brooke said...

I am so jealous of the U2 concert! I LOVE U2!!! I am also surprised that was your first concert together! I hope there are many more to come! Sounds like you are having fun over there in Ireland...but we miss you over here! P.S. I like your hair cut!!!

Amy said...

I'm glad you and Rob got to go to that concert it sounded like a blast! And I had to laugh about the camp fire thing. The grass was so green in the pictures. Texas seems to be drying out, everything is yellow right now. :) Easton cracks me up. I loved seeing him in the earlier post in the bathtub with his pal. And Owen is so adorable! I am loving the baby stage right now - don't you? Wish we were closer to watch your boys as they grow. It's so fun! Such a cute family - we miss you guys.

Michelle said...

I am so jealous too that you got to see U2 in Dublin! That is soooo awesome! I'm with you on the ready for bed by 11:00 thing though. How fun!

Justin said...

Looks like a fabulous weekend! Justin and I have only been to two concerts together - both to see the same band.

Dave and Katie Anderson said...

I love that you can see Easton's sippy cup in the picture of him falling asleep in the tent. Too cute!!!! Also, congrats on the concert. U2 is coming here in September but we didn't get tickets. Like you I'm not way into U2. I prefer Brad Paisley.

Brooke said...

Greg's jealous about the concert. It looks like it was a lot of fun. As for your hairstyle, I think it much more suits you. I guess I never thought that the Irish would do Father and Son's campouts. Pretty cool.

Unknown said...

You guys look really happy...wel its always a the best..guys
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